Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Mr. Logic Vs. Little Mizz Leftist

The Cucks are cucking most cuckingly over the recent political upset in The New York Democratic Primary.  You see, a 28-year-old political novice named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated Congressional Fossil Joe Crowley despite being out-fundraised 10 to one.  Here is the autopsy describing how Joe Crowley's career ossified last night.

With 88% of precincts reporting in the heavily-Democratic district that spans Queens and the Bronx, Ocasio-Cortez had crushed Crowley, 57.6% to 42.4%, a margin of nearly 3,600 votes.  CNN notes that Ocasio-Cortez is a self-described “democratic socialist.

This is a remarkable feat.  Ocasio-Cortez was working as a cocktail waitress about a year ago.  She now has the Democratic nomination in a district where she could sing long and boring hymns to Satan and still win by 20+%.  She will be in Congress.  Here is why this will be a raging cluster-fvck.  Her agenda is described on the flyer pictured below.

1) Medicare For All - This is the new euphemism for Socialized Medicine.  People will be given unlimited healthcare regardless of their ability to pay.  I'll give you 3 guesses on who Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is expecting to pay for this.  The first 2 don't count.  It's the corporations.  {sarc}Those costs don't ever get passed on to the workers or customers.  {/sarc}   

2) Universal Jobs Guarantee - Here is another Bernie Worshiper who can't be bothered with actually reading her Marx.  Capital wants open borders and unlimited immigration to crush labor markets and make workers more desperate to put up with any crap The Man chooses to drop on their doorstep in a flaming plastic bag.  Here's the link to a description of Marx's Reserve Army of The Unemployed so that she can at least be philosophically literate in her own avowed political ideology. 

3) Fully Funded Public School and Universities - She plans on taxing Wall Street to pay for this.  This is a fine and commendable idea.  We can just pass this cost right on through to anyone who wants to raise funding via a bond issue or a sale of stock.  We can attempt to honor the Universal Jobs Guarantee with no capital to fund the necessary expansion of business and industry to employ all the people who have this guarantee and expect to show up for work uninvited next Monday.  I fail to see any hang-ups here.

4) Paid Family and Sick Leave - See Medicare For All.  If Socialism gives you a headache, or if all the new immigrants crossing her new ICEless border do a Rotherham Job on your adorable 11-year-old daughter; we've got an app for that.  See how much better this agenda point makes you feel?

5) Housing As A Human Right - Your rights extend no further than what you are willing to kill somebody else in order to protect.  There are no human rights.  Humans in The United States are a heck of a lot luckier than they deserve to be.  This is the only reason that entire Congressional Districts filled with these bizarre human beings are stupid and gullible enough to believe that human rights exist in the abstract without an Army of highly skilled killers to guarantee their continuance.

6) Immigration Justice - Let everyone in and abolish ICE.  Then give them free education, housing, medical care, guaranteed employment...That money tree that Alexandria believes grows in Brooklyn doesn't exist.  If it did, it would already be wilting in anticipation of the cost of all of this crap.

7) Infrastructure Overhaul - 100% Green Energy.  Like those wind farms that hack up the birds in a manner reminiscent of Tyson Chicken.  Then she still has the problem of paying for it.  Oh, wait, she doesn't.  Socialists never have a problem paying for it.  They steal from other people and then other people have a problem getting made to pay for it at gunpoint.

8) Clean Campaign Finance - We won't let corporations fund political campaigns.  We'll have George Soros and Steve Wynn do it personally instead.  Just cut to the chase and establish Oligarchical Collectivism.

9) An Economy of Peace - I'd be more dismissive.  But we're already the loser of Life's Monopoly Game from the rest of her agenda.  Whatever this crap is, the productive people have left, Atlas has long since shrugged, and the rest of us are too busy foraging for bugs in the woods to really give a flying kangaroo copulation about want An Economy of Peace entails. 

This entire agenda is stupidity on cattle steroids.  It doesn't matter.  She will win anyway because this district is rigged to always go Democrat.  Her plan is no more tethered to reality than a Helium Molecule is tethered to the surface of the Earth.  It is unworkable, impossible and intended as a form of protest rather than a serious attempt to make anyone's life any better.  If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fails to understand how unworkable this agenda truly, then she is not fit for any level of serious public service.  If she does understand all of this, and still insists on pushing it anyway; then she is a malignant, evil sarcoma who should be removed from the body politic via a vigorous course of chemotherapy.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Is Maxine Waters The Most Pro-Jim Crow Democrat Since Theodore Bilbo?

Maxine Waters has been reading her Bible again.  Slowly perhaps, and with her lips moving as she sounds out the antique, polysyllabic words.  But she gets to the point.  And then seems to relentlessly cherry-pick.

“And guess what,” she predicted, “we’re going to win this battle because while you try and quote the Bible, Jeff Sessions and others, you really don’t know the Bible.  “God is on OUR side!” she declared, as the crowd went wild. “On the side of the children. On the side of what’s right. On the side of what’s honorable.”  “And so, let’s stay the course. Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she yelled. 

I'm not sure what Maxine was drinking exactly, but it really isn't the waters.  She has just openly demanded violence in the streets.  It's a good thing for her Amerika is too cucked to legitimately enforce the law against corrupt black public officials.  I think part of what she is drunk on is totally unearned regard she receives from our media.

Now we should carefully and patiently explain to Maxine, in small enough words for even her limited intellect to effectively parse and compile; that she was one of the first effectively pro-Jim Crow Democrat in Congress since Theodore Bilbo and Al Gore, Sr. left the US Senate. 

Because de facto Jim Crow Laws are exactly what was enforced against Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  The Ren Hen Incident was like the ideological mirror of the old, segregated Greensboro, NC lunchrooms.  The restaurant's owner even seems to ape old Senator Bilbo's rhetoric.

“I would have done the same thing again,” Ms. Wilkinson told the Washington Post. “We just felt there are moments in time when people need to live their convictions. This appeared to be one.”  Ms. Wilkinson cited the press secretary’s work for the “inhumane and unethical” Trump administration.  “I’m not a huge fan of confrontation,” Ms. Wilkinson said. “I have a business, and I want the business to thrive. This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals.”

So is Civil War II Next?  Are we to be divided along the strange, irregular borders of who votes for what party?  I don't know, but it might be fun to find out.  Maybe there are enough other people who are sick and fvcking tired of abjectly insane leftists like Maxine Waters claiming that *we* are actually stupid and backwards.  Perhaps we can start by filling the parking lot of The Red Hen with 500 white guys in MAGA Hats that line up at the doors of the restaurant and politely but firmly ask the cute and dedicated waitresses if they can order the Anti-Conservative Bigotry Platter that their restaurant is now World-Famous for.

What would the Left actually do if we challanged their de facto attempt to reinstall Jim Crow Laws?  What if we started our own version of the Civil Rights Freedom Riders?  Would Ma-Duce go up on the roof?  Would the Reverand Jesse Jackson or The Reverend Al Sharpton start demanding that this rabble get forcibly cleared off the streets with dogs and fire hoses? 

The Left likes to remind us that 50 years ago they really, really were the good guys.  But now they want those they deem inferior to stay out of their accommodations.  Are lefties now offended if I drink from the same water fountain or drive a pile into the same can? How much longer before the MAGA Hat becomes the new Juden Star.  That question could be a good proxy to how much longer before we can stop pretending not to want to kill these Leftist Fvcks.  Just keep preaching the Jim Crow, Maxine.  The Romans had term for that sort of crap - Causus Bellae.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Scientific Racism - Oh No!

I feel liberated.  I'm even more glad to be me.  Salil D. Benegal, an actual scientific scientist; has validated my entire world view with his abstract to his latest scientifically sciency science paper entitled "The spillover of race and racial attitudes into public opinion about climate change."

The relationship between racial attitudes and public opinion about climate change is examined. Public opinion data from Pew and American National Election Studies surveys are used to show that racial identification and prejudices are increasingly correlated with opinions about climate change during the Obama presidency. Results show that racial identification became a significant predictor of climate change concern following Obama’s election in 2008, and that high levels of racial resentment are strongly correlated with reduced agreement with the scientific consensus on climate change. 
 So my evil, bigoted world view becomes an inoculation. Because I'm a vile, !RAYCIST! bigot, I helped save my country from electing Female Caligula in 2016.  Because I'm a vile, !RAYCIST! bigot, I look into the mirror and believe that it's OK to be White.  And because I'm a vile, !RAYCIST! bigot, I'm not stupid enough to buy into ridiculous man-made climate doom.  Sounds pretty good to me.  Salil D. Benegal may well create more White Nationalists than Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor and the entire White Identarian Movement combined! 

Now of course Salil D. Benegal's disingenuous propaganda is about as accurate as you'd expect it to be.  The Pew Research Center has polling that almost literally conflicts with all the completely unbiased and fair-minded science.  So much for my domineering ideological and intellectual superiority to all the bleeding-heart, professional non-racists fighting for !LOVE!

The percentage of Democrats who attribute most global warming to human activities increased from around 50 percent in 2009 to 69 percent in 2016. The percentage of Republicans who agree also went up, from below 20 percent in 2009 to 23 percent in 2016.  Pew data also shows the group most concerned with global warming are white Americans, with 57 percent saying the cared “a great deal” about the issue. Minority groups, on the other hand, expressed extremely low levels of concern about global warming. Only 22 percent of Hispanics and 12 percent of blacks cared “a great deal” about warming when polled in 2016..
What this ultimately proves is that the quacks, grant fraud artists and ideological mountebanks that have taken over science at Amerikan universities and think tanks will use any lie in the arsenal to support their logically unsupportable leftist points of view.  We no longer have science in Amerika the way the CCCP no longer had legitimate biology until they got rid of Lysenko.  So no, becoming a fire-breathing racist won't really add 15 points to your IQ.  However, ignoring phony credentials and rejecting AGW and most of the other stupidities lefties peddle using taxpayer-funded platforms will improve your overall level of ratiocination.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Basket of GOP Deplorables

They are garbage.  They do nothing for Amerika.  They are whiners.  They are crybabies.  They are reprobates.  I would suggest sodomizing the weak here, but this particular crew of butt-pirates sashaying across the poop deck would probably like it. 

So who are these mincing little cork suckers?  They are the wash-ups of the #NeverTrump GOP.  Hillary "Female Caligula" Clinton has a basket these whingers can go jump in.

First up, we get the loser's loser, Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney on Monday came out against President Trump’s policy of separating migrant families at the southern border, saying that the U.S. needs a “more compassionate answer” to illegal crossings.  The former Massachusetts governor and current Utah GOP Senate candidate retweeted former first lady Laura Bush, who wrote an op-ed criticizing the policy as “cruel” and “immoral.”
Jeb Bush finally stored up enough energy to attempt an ankle-tackle his former primary opponent a good two years after President Trump already spiked the football and went partying with all the hot cheerleaders.

“Children shouldn’t be used as a negotiating tool. @realDonaldTrump should end this heartless policy and Congress should get an immigration deal done that provides for asylum reform, border security and a path to citizenship for Dreamers,” Bush tweeted.”
This is Paul Ryan.  He is the pathetic excuse that the GOP gave Amerika as a Speaker of The House.  He totally makes me wish he'd shut his pie-hole below. 

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said Thursday he disagrees with the Trump administration policy of separating immigrant children from their parents at the border.  "We don't want kids to be separated from their parents. We believe because of the court ruling, this will require legislative change," Ryan said.
John Kasich opened his garbage neck and emitted the stench you read below.

He said everyone from Laura Bush to Bernie Sanders oppose the Trump administration’s policy to separate children and parents when they are caught crossing the border illegally.  “This is not an American value to be breaking up families. I hope that they’re going to pass something through the Congress but whenever the Congress thinks about doing something they need to check with their principal. ‘Can I go get a glass of water?’” Kasich said at a press conference Monday. “Because if the president says no, I can’t have one. What is happening down there?”
Speaking of Masters of The Crash and Burn, Senator John McCain is here to lecture us on decency that he has never personally possessed.

"The administration’s current family separation policy is an affront to the decency of the American people, and contrary to principles and values upon which our nation was founded,” McCain, R-Ariz., said in a blistering tweet Monday evening. “The administration has the power to rescind this policy. It should do so now.”
When you've lost Max Boot, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Grahamaphrodite, don't work up too nasty a sweat looking for the stupid blighters.  They are all cheese-dogs.  They make Inside The Beltway, The Beltway.  They are complicit in making America, Amerika. 

The GOP has emerged as a histrionic, ADD-suffering, quasi-literate, mouth-breathing opposition that will utterly fail to change President Trump's mind on anything.  They will be made to behold the awesome kung-fu of fvck-you when he totally pimp-slaps them aside on behalf of the American People. 

If only the GOP could emerge as a loyal and patriotic opposition.  If only the GOP could commit to the !TRUTH!  But they can't.  They are attempting to imitate the Democrats without the requisite LSD hits.  They are MC Jonah (((Goldberg))) with two turntables and microphone. 

In the end, the #NeverTrump GOP truly is a Basket of Deplorables.  It has to die before the buzzards and fecal bacteria can properly feed.

There will be a Trump Party.  There will be a Marxist Party and there will be a Beltway Party.  The Beltway Party will skim the most rational grifters off the Dems, and will subsume the Lindsey Grahamaphrodite GOP that can't get over the pussy hurt of a Trump Presidency bestriding the world like a mighty Colossus. 

While Trump's informal motto is "We're America, Bitch!"  Their Party motto will be "We're Inside The Beltway."  On a map, you can imagine the Capital Beltway looking just a bit like a basket.  One filled to the brim with Deplorables seasoned with Bolivian Marching Powder. 

Monday, June 18, 2018

How Harvard Wants To Make Racism Legal Again

The truth could care less about your feeee-lings.  The truth about diversity is that diversity sucks.  Diversity does not make things more interesting.  It makes them more mediocre.  It dumbs them down by filling them full of under-qualified idiots who don't have the requisite ninja moves.  That all being said, a certain amount of diversity will accrue.  The real problems with diversity begin when it gets forced beyond that level of natural occurrence. 

When diversity is forced on a basis of race, it is supposedly done to combat the chimerical evils of !RACISM!  Racism is an academic term invented in order to criminalize Freedom of Association which excluded groups that desired access to the resources of another group.  When people attempt to mobilize the government to tap these resources without earning any right to so enjoy them; negative externalities occur. 

One common occurrence is that meritocracies naturally tend to exclude people who don't bust their asses hard enough to be of legitimate merit.  A current example of this is occurring at Harvard.  The stereotypical fear is that the Asian kids are working too hard, scoring too well, and horking-up all the prestige billets.  Or they would land all of those billets if Harvard didn't rise up to smite the Yellow Peril of well-raised teenagers who do the Hell out of their job. 

Reactions to this have been increased effort to the asymptotic point where
 ridiculous approaches infinity  The patience for this was predictably finite and the Asian kids grew pissed.  Pissed people frequently turn violent and smash things. 

Intelligent pissed people do something far more threatening.  They find the sleaziest, most vile attorney they can on the Internet and they hire the Son of a Bitch. The Asians getting denied a shot a Harvard are both intelligent and quite pissed. Harvard may well find itself in condign deep sh!t.

Asian-American student who was denied admission despite being valedictorian of a competitive high school, achieving a perfect ACT score and a perfect score of 800 on two of the SAT II subject exams, and participating in numerous extracurricular and volunteer activities. The applicant, the lawsuit states, was "denied the opportunity to compete for admission to Harvard on equal footing with other applicants" due to his race.

Harvard went in for the predictable academic buzz words.  It was all about the "Holistic Review" of each applicant as a box-chec...oops; I mean human being. 

Then and now, the college considers each applicant through an individualized, holistic review having the goal of creating a vibrant academic community that exposes students to a wide-range of differences: background, ideas, experiences, talents and aspirations," said Robert Iuliano, Harvard's general counsel, in a statement.

Which fundamentally brings into question why our tax monies should still go to colleges and universities.  Do we want our engineering schools to produce people who can design buildings, bridges and operating room software systems that don't crash under heavy use?  If so, we need to focus away from holistic crap and get some people with drive and ability into these classrooms.  Again, you get to choose between diversity and excellence.  I don't see any serious NBA fans boycotting until the Champion Golden State Warriors have a roster that "Looks More like Amerika." 

By the same token, if Asian kids are the ones showing up to Harvard and actually bothering to study; guess who deserves the degrees and academic honors?  This isn't frikking hard.  Humans are creatures driven by incentive.  You do what gets you paid.  You do what gets you laid.  If you want positive behavior like hard work and a sincere effort to acquire detailed logic on challenging topics, that sort of thing has to be awarded. 

To be frank here, diversity can only work when it strives towards an unambiguous, positive and very non-diverse standard of unrelenting excellence.  Let these Asian kids be an example.  Let there be a fair competition.  Harvard will no longer be Saigon On The Charles when White, Black and Hispanic kids get the message that they need to lay off the fap and do things aimed at personal self-development.  Harvard making racism legal again will only temporarily forestall the demotism and destruction of people who don't give a crap and just rely on affirmative action programs.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Who Needs Bias When You Can Just Go With Hatred Instead?

It takes a certain bureaucratic mentality to write 500 pages, say absolutely nothing ,and then not descend into madness like the poor victim protagonist in a Lovecraft story.  It requires someone who could be The Ruler of The Queen's Navy from a Gilbert and Sullivan satire.  The staff lackey who wrote the IG Report on James Comey's Political Engineering Investigation into Female Caligula's Toilet Internet Server can really stuff a shirt, in a lumpy mediocre fashion; that just beams 100% Toxic Masculinity-Free Managerial Pseudo-Erudite Bullsp!t.

The IG report tells us the FBI has no bias.  It doesn't need no stinkin' bias.  It runs on Proggy antinomian hatred.  Here are some examples of how our fearless protectors view the "Murikan Sheeples".

"Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS." - @HarvardOnTwitter (Nope, just kidding.  It was an FBI Agent).
 “Yeah, it is pretty cool. [Clinton] just has to win now. I’m not going to lie, I got a flash of nervousness yesterday about trump. The sandernistas have the potential to make a very big mistake here....” - @Juliet Page
“I’m not worried about them. I’m worried about the anarchist Assanges who will take fed information and disclose it to disrupt. We’ve gotta get the memo and brief and case filing done.” - @Romeo Strzok

And then Romeo took to Twitter to share this classic of the genre.

"Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support...." 

So maybe the Bolivian Marching Powder hasn't burned out all of his cilia.  This stuff would be funny if it were intentional comedy.  It isn't.  This is who these guys are when they drop a couple of shooters and get wide.  And then, once they've had those drinks; they feel something else.  The buzz gets less fuzzy and they begin to feel fear.

Once you mock something and fail you grow afraid.  I'm sure that Trump support didn't smell like incense to Peter Strzok.  The totally unbiased Mme. Page and Strzok worried what the Sandernistas would do.  Then it was Anarchist Assange.  But in reality, it was fear of disruption.

"Donald Trump is a disruptor. He is disrupting the fat, arrogant, and corrupt elite and the web of self-dealing it has spun over the last seven decades. Is Trump putting at risk everything that's been built in the last 70 years? I sure hope so. Because the system that was built over the last 70 years is no longer working for all of us. It's working really well for a few of us, but that's just not enough anymore."   

And now the fading elitists get hysterical.  Watching Jane Fonda channel Cersei Lannister at an awards ceremony is educational.  The woman who rooted for the North Vietnamese to do better at shooting down our aircraft is now concerned for Amerika.  Senility must be frikking Hell.

“This is an existential crisis that we’re in,” the 80-year-old actress told a crowd of Hollywood elites at the Environmental Media Association’s first Honors Benefit Gala where Fonda was presented with the Female EMA Lifetime Achievement Award, according to The Hollywood Reporter.  “We have to do everything we can to take back the house in November. If anything can save us, it’s gonna be taking back our government,” she said.  Fonda, who infamously insulted U.S. soldiers in Vietnam as “war criminals,” is a vocal critic of Trump’s, taking part in the nationwide anti-Trump Women’s March and last year referring to the president as the “predator-in-chief.”

When your fears are realized, and you cannot just make the boogeyman go away; you hate.  You hate it when reality lights your myths on fire and smokes them like a Garcia y Vega. You hate.  When a plurality of the voters selects a leader your college Sociology Professor describes as the root of all honkey evil, you hate with a bit between your teeth.  Bias is a pathetic euphemism.

Democracy's failures are in full bloom in our current civil service.  We commoditized our politicians and then fetishized those commodities.  They became Jungian Archetypes.  Scummy politicians were pointlessly elevated to the status of tragic heroes out of Bullfinch's Mythology.  This became most evident when Barack Obama signed over the Presidency to Donald Trump.

Barack Obama's friends and enemies alike should have just wished the guy a happy retirement and hoped he enjoyed the new golf clubs and his swaggy golden watch.  He just should have become some guy again.  Nobody should have been decrying the beloved country.  Nobody should have had any nasty fantasies about how that one last helicopter ride would end. 

To those who no longer just preferred Barack Obama but who worshiped him as a form of idolatry, Donald Trump is the Devil.  Neither you, nor the FBI are biased against the Devil.  You hate the malignant spirit representing all that is evil in the universe.  That is what drives the progressive.  That is what they think of you if oppose them.  Even if you are a pretty tame CivNat like the Donald. 

Bias is never what gets your witch burning off to a rip--roaring start.  The jet fuel there is fear and hatred.  So no, the FBI isn't biased against section of the country or the politicians they elect.  They hate, fear and seek to stomp those people into the ground.  They'd like to serve and protect like Hell on that entire Basket of Deplorables. 

Bias is the least of what drives the despicable behavior of the current Amerikan civil service.  These people are if full-on fear mode.  Perhaps this is because they really should be.  Too bad that didn't quite make it into the overrated IG report. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Modern Morays Reward Parasitism

David Carroll is Jody.  Joe D. Guy.  The Back-up.  The fastballer from the bull-pen.  He'll pinch-hit it and quit it.  He's figured out it's a much better deal than being responsible.  You do what gets you paid.  You do what gets you laid.  Don't be no sucking sucker.  (I hope) He's really just kidding.

But in so doing, he makes a sad and poigniant point.  People are rewarded for rent-seeking and parasitism.  People are saddled with obligation and punished when the try to display any sort of healthy time preference.  It's like a stock market where the yield pigs always win.  Nobody plans for the future.  There's no point.

Now having The Tragedy of The Commons include the vaginas of a society's women is a grave problem.  You get the seeming paradox of many more sexual couplings, but steadily falling birth rates and non-existent family formation.  The sexual revolution was ultimately no better than a horny teenaged boy's fap-fest.  It was worse.  It ruined a lot more than just a mattress and a few overpriced bedsheets.  If David Carroll totally meant that video, it just means he is Homo Economicus responding to the incentives put forth by the modern dating market.  The Back Door Man enjoys the wifey.  He ain't paying no mortgage.

But shouldn't Mr. Carroll feel ashamed?  Shouldn't social prestige make him set the Knigtly example? Pfft!  He'd rather get his lance waxed.  And to understand why, let's conduct a little thought experiment here.  I lay before your very eyes three prospective column titles that just might wind up in the Washington Post.  You pick the one they actually ran.

A) When to Beat The B!tch and When to Make Her Compost - The OJ Way to Familial Discipline.

B) SpongeBob Must Die And LGBTQ Along With Him

C) Why Can't We Hate Men?

If you've ever wasted a morning commute listening to John Boy and Billy, you know that the correct choice is to always take C.  It is socially acceptable to tell David Carroll he's good for nothing for his gender.  Calling him a bastard-making sh!tskin will cost you your job, your friends and your position in Modern Amerikan Society.  Telling him he's got a demon in his cock and is therefore morally reprehensible will make you endure nothing worse than having Your's Truly call you a Soy Latte Cuckwad.

Men are hated and blamed for everything in society.  Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton's depredations make all men everywhere !OBVIOUSLY! guilty.  Particularly if they wield The Dreaded Pale Phallus of Eurosexual Doom.  (Regardless of whether you find it hard or hard to find.  Oh well, whatever.  Nevermind).  Here's how frikken bad a guy I am just for falling out of bed this morning and going for my jog.

So, in this moment, here in the land of legislatively legitimated toxic masculinity, is it really so illogical to hate men? For all the power of #MeToo and #TimesUp and the women’s marches, only a relatively few men have been called to task, and I’ve yet to see a mass wave of prosecutions or even serious recognition of wrongdoing.
Let's say we take this Womynz Studies Prof at horsey-faced value.  Let's say Female Caligula gets elected in 2020 and proceeds to pitch an Asshole Auschwitz. After Dow Chemical makes a fortune selling Zyklon-B as the cure to toxic masculinity, do we really believe the two or three guys who actually look too much like Pajama Boy to ever threaten any woman with their masculine bearing will be servicing the 72 virgins who can't get a date anymore now that all the Work-A-Day Joes have been happy-gassed out of existence?  Somehow I'm cynically doubting it.  

What do?  If you are savvy and have more street smarts than pride, you eschew the dubious, outmoded and self-annihilating codes of honor.  As Jim Morrison put it.  "You can have your steak and eat your pork and beans.  I'll eat more chicken any man has seen."

Monday, June 11, 2018

Loving Day - A Book Review

I may be obstinate, obtuse, obscurantist and !RAY-CIST! (Even if I say so myself).  To paraphrase an old Hip-Hop Tune, I got 99 problems...

Play my favorite country song backwards, and I get the wife, the kids, the huntin' dawg, and the double-wide back.  As a bonus, I'm no longer stoned on Gentleman Jack.  But one problem I don't have is figuring out who the heck I am.  I come in two colors - white and red.  The red typically shows up first and brightest above the collar of my shirt after I spend an afternoon handling the yard work.  For my problems, limitations, and shortcomings I am blessed.  I know them well and can deal with them with a certain resigned equipoise. I know exactly what God made me. 

In the novel Loving Day by Matt Johnson, we meet an anti-heroic protagonist named Warren Duffy who is far less lucky. This poor man is the offspring of diversity.  Dad was white, mom was black, the offspring was somewhat ambiguous.  He had run away from that background and now he was forced into facing it.  His wife, his previous sexual partners and his chosen avocation were all attempts to exit.  Then his wife divorces him, his comic shop fails and his dad dies and leaves him a total winner of an inheritance.  A partially burned, money pit of a house in the "troubled" Germantown neighborhood of Philly.  The guy has a hostile divorce, a toxic inheritance, from a sub-par dad and arrives home to meet...his illegitimate teenage daughter.  You could be more completely screwed.  If you were Xaviera Hollander.

White society has no truck with this man.  They put his books that he writes in the "Urban" section.  This is far more urbane and socially acceptable than Knee-Grow.  Pure black society is only marginally better.  They take him in begrudgingly.  They trust him as far as The British Army really trusted Benedict Arnold.  Other so-called mixed people refer to him as "Sunflower."  This is a term for a mixed-race person who is yellow on the outside and brown in the middle. 

This lack of identity causes everyone around him to pigeon-hole him in the least advantageous category they can.  Duffy fights against this.  He owns up to fathering a daughter as a teenager and tries to salvage her life before it becomes as big a dumpster fire as his own.  He even attempts to use this mess as a vehicle to figure just who in the hell he actually is.  I'll let you read the novel and figure out how Loving Day  comes into the story.

Johnson tells an exceptional story.  His ungodly screw up of a protagonist nukes everything in his path like the Chernobyl Reactor.  The initial thing that prevents you from hating The Lamentable Mr. Duffy as a villain is the fact that he is so utterly screwed up that he doesn't even understand how to get out his own way.  He is a man betrayed, embittered and abandoned by every person in his life he had any expectation of love and support from. 

The best he ever gets is tolerated.  It's as if a great, united rainbow coalition of black, mixed and even Caucasoid humanity have all reached a grand accord.  Namely an accord that reads "Warren Duffy ain't my Knee-Grow."  If I ever played a Half-Orc character in an AD&D game, Warren Duffy's attitude towards this mess would be a great role-playing shtick. 

Duffy's ultimate enlightenment seems to be that he is what he is and he's just got to suck it up and make a positive difference anyway.  It's a mature triumph of masculine humility and existential patience.  Not a lot of human beings could pull this off.  Duffy grows on you as he buckles his pith helmet and deals with his problems rather than running for Exit.

On a sociological level this novel is a Red Pill Chemotherapy course.  Everything that is wrong in this man's life can be at least partially traced back to 1st and 2nd order effects from Swirling.  His confused teenage sexuality, his abortion of a marriage and his bastard offspring that returns from his past like a bad acid flashback are all in some way the products of unsuccessful swirl relationships that blow up in his face like an improperly handled Claymore Mine.  Duffy is a Greek Hero condemned to torture by the hubris of casual interracial sex where neither partner really thinks through or plans for what they are getting into. 

Duffy becomes a metaphor.  Not the model biracial British Princess, but instead he is the discarded chaff.  A Post-Modern Miniver Cheevy who is cast loose in an urban wilderness.  I have an unpleasant feeling that a large majority of the mixed race children in Amerika are more Warren Duffy than Disney Princess.  How much easier it would be for him to succumb to his desires to burn the family house down, take the insurance cash and drink himself to enstupidation on some beach near Aruba. 

What percentage of the real-world people in Warren Duffy's shoes want to do the exact same thing?  I'm guessing it's pretty high.  What percentage of these people have that divine, protagonist spark of goodness that exists to keep me from putting this novel down?  I'm guessing that this number is pretty small.  The ratio of the strong and heroic to the weak and hurting suggests a very bad and negative mathematics to swirling. 

Matt Johnson tells a brilliant, funny and precautionary tale.  His empathy for Warren Duffy is infectious.  You feel that he deserves a certain justice for his fecklessness but that it should be leavened with the proper mercy that God offers to the sinner.  It is not all his fault.  But it is his responsibility.  When Warren Duffy mans up and eats the loses he gains something else.  He emerges from the chaotic swirl to be someone with a respectable masculine identity who is actually worth being.  Maybe that is an aspiration our confused and dying culture in the western world can actually aspire towards. 

Friday, June 8, 2018

Proverbs 26-11

11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

In 1961, a group of Lenninist revolutionaries decided to take advantage of the chaos created by an incompetent series of military dictators in Nicaragua.  They set up a Marxist group known as El Frente Sandanista de Liberacion Nacional.  They were predictably inspired by pedophile, mass-murdering, market icon Che Guevara and decided to do something original like set up “a political-military organization whose objective is the seizure of political power through the destruction of the bureaucratic and military apparatus of [Somoza’s] dictatorship.”  This because it worked so well for The CCCP under Stalin.

People who play stupid games win stupid prizes.  The Sandanistas successfully took over in Nicaragua and received $99M in aid from Jimmy Carter.  The US won the stupid prize of another government in the South American region that hated our guts.  The Sandanistas moved to spread their rebellion to El Salvador.  By 1981, the US, under Ronald Reagan came to believe their $99M in good will money was a dead weight loss. 

Meanwhile, Nicaraguan Strong Man Daniel Ortega did for the people of Nicaragua what people's democracies always seem to do for the people.  The weight loss results from the typical productivity we associate with Socialist agriculture were palpable.  A group of revolutionaries known as the Contras took up arms against on behalf of the people against the people's democracy.  The US support for The Contras became a degenerate, screwed-up mess that nearly got Ronald Reagan impeached.  Finally, in 1990; after many years of stupid, the people actually got to vote on whether they wanted Ortega's People's Democracy.  They did not.  Ortega was temporarily exorcised. 

In 2007, Daniel Ortega returned.  He campaigned as a nicer, pink-not-red version of his lovable self.  He won.  The people actually wanted this guy back.  The dog had returned to his vomit.  Within two years, he reached out to his ideological soulmate Hugo Chavez.  By 2011, he was modifying Nicaragua's constitution to be more "Progressive" and allow him to stay in power some more.  He also formed an unholy alliance with crony-capitalists who couldn't care less how socialist Ortega acted as long as they could still keep their swag. 

Business leaders gave him a free hand in politics, which he used to take control of independent institutions, subvert opposition parties and rig subsequent elections. In return, Mr Ortega adopted business-friendly policies. That led to economic growth of better than 4% a year on average from 2007 to 2017; inflows of foreign investment more than trebled over that period.
This, however, is no longer working out as planned.  Like many democrat blowhards who blow hard with the rhetoric about freedom, Daniel Ortega doesn't seem to support certain choices as much as others when it comes to exercises in Democracy.  Hence, the suffering Nicaraguans are again asking a US President to bail out their boats.

Human rights organizations in Washington and Nicaragua are documenting allegations of human rights violations following the deaths of at least 113 people protesting the Daniel Ortega regime in the political uprising that began two months ago, according to sources familiar with the investigations.  A group of Nicaraguan college students traveled to Washington this week to ask for assistance from President Trump and Congress in toppling the regime.

I don't favor this course of action.  We already got rid of Daniel Ortega once for these idiots.  They invited him back.  They knew he was a scorpion when they gave him a ride.  You can't name a Communist who doesn't turn violent against his democratic opposition.  You don't make it to the top of anyone's politburo by shaking hands and playing by Marquis de Queensbury Rules.  Let Nicaragua become another Venezuela.  Let the rest of the world see this place and burn with an ardent desire not to be them.  We've done Iran-Contra before.  It was an utter turd show.  The Nicaraguan People asked for Ortega, they got Ortega and perhaps they deserve to die from Ortega.  Donald Trump has no business whatsoever saving idiots from flunking Life's IQ Test.  

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Another Scare Story Tanks

In Europe and Amerika
There's a growing feeling of hysteria....

OK.  There is a growing effort to manufacture that feeling.  But the ground truth in Europe suggests this is ridiculous.
Number of Active Tanks
1985 NATO: 32,700 USSR: 54,500
2015 NATO: 7,500 Russia: 2,750
In terms of nuclear weapons, The USA has gone from 30,000 nuclear weapons in 1969 to a steady state of 5,000 since about 2010.  The USSR/ Russia has stepped way back from the Tsar Bomba days of rage.  They hit peak nuke in about 1985 when they fielded 40,000 warheads.  They are down to about 5,000 IAW the end state of the START Treaty.

So what do we hear about in the media?  The Russians are coming!  And it's because they are naturally belligerent.  They rig our elections via Facebook and Google.  But Facebook and Google are responsible corporations, so it's totally the Russians.

Apparantly, even selling them 20% of our Uranium isn't enough to appease the raging bear of the North.
In 2013, Rosatom, backed by the Russian state, acquired a Canadian uranium mining company, now called Uranium One, which has assets in the U.S. Uranium is a key material for making nuclear weapons.  Through the deal, Russia is able to own about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity. However, Colin Chilcoat, an energy affairs specialist who has written extensively about Russia's energy deals, said that the company only extracts about 11 percent of uranium in the U.S.
So The Wilsonian Era just called and asked me to pass on a message to Robert Mueller.  They want their Palmer Raids back.  We apparently had more reason to have Joseph McCarthy investigate Daschele Hammett than we had to impanel a special prosecutor to investigate the 2016 Election.

So we remain at war with Eurasia because we have always been at war with Eurasia.  And we owe to much money to Eastasia.  Who needs nukes when you can always just nuke our long bonds?  This is all distraction.  This how the DC machine and the Proggy Cathedral strive to distract us from their hideous kakistocracy.  Just keep them serving 'Merka against them Big, Evil Rushens.

Distract them effectively enough and they won't notice that the Big, Bad Enemy has 1/18th the tank force and 1/13th the nuclear arsenal that they did when they had serious aspirations of cross-ventilating Western Democracies.  Just keep them swinging at the high cheese and maybe the people won't notice that the greatest threat to Western Democracy comes from the democrats themselves. 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Dan Helmer Has A Point

Amerika is under mortal threat.  Our way of life is endangered by a man who does not share the values of our betters.  It's bad out there and it's only gonna get worse.  Amerika is on the verge of Civil War.  This is because The Amerikan Left cannot have a disagreement.  Those who disagree are not misguided.  They are heretics. 

Leftists don’t merely disagree with you. They don’t merely feel you are misguided. They don’t think you are merely wrong. They hate you. They want you enslaved and obedient, if not dead. Once you get that, everything that is happening now will make sense. And you will understand what you need to be ready to do.  You are normal, and therefore a heretic. You refuse to bow to their idols, to subscribe to their twisted catechisms, to praise their false gods. This is unforgivable. You must burn.
Why the fear of a Trump Tower Planet?  Obviously, because he's a Nazi and every woman in his family is a feckless C You Next Tuesday.  Not only that, but when W was President back on 9-11*, the most vital threat to Amerika lived in a cave.  Now....

And why is Trump so frightening?  Because he has begun unwinding the racket.  Bum-On-Plush and Human Rum-Blossom Jon Boehner explained how President Trump has been swinging a wrecking ball into GOPe.  His ability to trash the 21st Century GOP order has paradoxically made his a threat to Progressivism.

There is no Republican Party. There’s a Trump party. The Republican Party is kinda taking a nap somewhere,” Boehner said.  In the interview, Boehner added that Trump was clearly the “most unusual” president the country has ever had.
True Progressives may claim the GOP ideology is Naziism and giggle into their Butt-Pirate Lattes when Google announces this as a totally scientific and unbiased search result.  However, they like having the Eric Greitens GOP, and the Cucksurgent GOP to kick around.  When you look at the non-Trump GOP, 1/2 of them are a racket and the other 1/2 are jealous Democrat wannabees.  The Democrats can easily steer them away from ever forming an effective opposition.  The racketeer GOP gets tempted to steal something or tap a piece of strange while the wifey is off at the grocery store.  The Cuckwad, I Wish *I* was Considered Cool by CNN GOP is then sicced on the sociopathic wing.  Nobody on either side of this Nazi "opposition" party says "boo" while John Podesta hangs out with the PedoDems.

Trump actually fights back.  When Disney CEO Bob Iger deliberately cross-ventilates any celebrity that says nice things about Trump, PDT is singing "M-I-C-K-E-Y sex-ual per-verts!"  This makes people stop listening to the brain-deadening drone of Cathedral propaganda.  People start pointing out the obvious.  People pointing out the obvious are then detested by both the racketeer and cucksurgent GOP.  These populist rubes totally interfere with why these GOP officials got into politics.

Sane Americans are upset about the Barr incident not because they think she should go unpunished for her tweet, but because the leftist establishment's indignation is so highly selective.  Leftists can forgive being in the KKK, sexually harassing, and even raping women, and saying that "mild" pedophilia is okay, but it can't forgive one late-night tweet.
So Dan Helmer has a point.  You can't have an Italy, an Ireland, A Great Britain, or an America that isn't Amerika.  It threatens the order and the cattle just don't obediently walk into the funnel and reach the abattoir.  People have seen an alternative and like it.  For all the crap we hear about


lower-income blacks are apparently the hardest hit by the vile and unamerikan employment bomb.

All of this doesn't completely drain the swamp or reclaim our nation from the curse of Post-Christian Modernity.  But it does show us how evil and vile and disgusting our current Kakistocracy of university "educated" elites truly has become.  That is something these people can't tolerate.  They are tomato cans.  They can't do an MMA fight against somebody with some actual Kung-Fu.

So they plot their Mueller Coup, intimidate and harass the president's supporters and hope they can scare all non-Progressives back into dhimmitude under the Cucksurgent and Socipathic wings of the "opposition" GOP. When you can't win on decency or truth your power comes from the same wellspring as Chairman Mao's.  Then you get the possibility of civil war.

*-Joy Reid of MSNBC will tell you all about The 9/11 (((Jewish Day Off)))...