Friday, May 25, 2018

The Edmund Winston Pettus Bridge To Nowhere

The Edmund Winston Pettus Bridge was once said to lead to the promised land if people just kept their eyes on the prize.

The Edmund Pettus bridge became a symbol of the momentous changes taking place in Alabama, America, and the world. It was here that voting rights marchers were violently confronted by law enforcement personnel on March 7, 1965. The day became known as Bloody Sunday.
I'll just cut straight to the scary, Alt-Right !#RACISM! here.  The current trajectory of The African American Community is unsustainable.  They will suffer increasing pain, humiliation, emiseration and will grow up to hate the way a black African under caste grew up hating the majority in both Zimbabwe and South Africa. Why the pessimistic disrespect?  Let's take a look at the people who run branches of the NAACP.  Rachel Nkechi Diallo Dolezal is a pretty accurate example.

Former Spokane Chapter NAACP President Rachel Dolezal is now facing legal trouble that could land her behind bars. KHQ has confirmed that Dolezal, who legally changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016, is accused of 1st Degree Theft by Welfare Fraud, Perjury in the 2nd Degree, and False Verification for Public Assistance. Her potential punishment under RCW 74.08.331 could include up to 15 years in prison.  Because Dolezal changed her name, we’ll be referring to her as Nkechi Diallo. According to court documents, Diallo illegally received $8,747 in food assistance, and illegally received $100 in childcare assistance. Total restitution, according to the documents, is $8,847, allegedly stolen from August 2015 through November 2017.
Not only was she not really broke, she wasn't really Nkechi Diallo.  Furthermore, she was running an NAACP chapter while not really black. Absolutely nothing about this woman's life was ever genuine or honest.  So after people like MLK, Medgar Evers, and Malcolm X actually fought, bled and died to liberate African Americans from an under caste status; they are actually choosing leadership that is less genuinely Black than Senator Lieawatha is Cherokee. And it gets painted with another layer of bull feces.  These leaders are chosen and upheld by the likes of Shaun King. Yes, Malcolm X has been replaced with Talcum X.

Why has this become such a festering snake pit?  As I've stated above, African Americans didn't used to have to import leadership from outposts of the White Supremacy Hierarchy such as the Punahuo Academy in Hawaii.  Are the only African American leaders standing between us and the pitchforks really at least 50% White?  The political and intellectual leadership of the African American are increasingly less black than Mr. Plessey from The Great State of Louisiana.

Maybe YouTuber Simone56 had a point when she described the current African American community using the metaphor "Rome is Burning".  The successor movement to the Civil Rights Movement seems to be The Divestment Movement. Romantic (Swirling) Exit, Economic Exit, Ideological Exit and Physical Exit are now considered the new Civil Rights frontiers they sail for.  But the tragic truth here is that Malcolm X was magnificently right.  They can talk about divestment right up to the point where they attempt to literally jump out of their own skin.  You are what God made you.

This will never actually work.  Too much jealousy exists within their ranks.  This is why Tommy Sotomayor gets more hatred directed at him than obvious scam artists such as Talcum X.  This is why Rachel Dolezal is given a greater leadership role in their community than Candace Owens.  This is the ultimate result of Leftist Politics in a Demotic Society.  Black Americans have been destroyed by their politically correct, SJW "friends".

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