Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Italy Rips Off The Mask of The Failed Elite

David Brooks noticed something and The New York Times even permitted him to.

Once upon a time, white male Protestants ruled the roost. You got into a fancy school if your father had gone to the fancy school. You got a job at a white-shoe law firm or climbed the corporate ladder if you golfed at the right club.  Then we smashed all that. We replaced a system based on birth with a fairer system based on talent. We opened up the universities and the workplace to Jews, women and minorities. University attendance surged, creating the most educated generation in history. We created a new boomer ethos, which was egalitarian (bluejeans everywhere!), socially conscious (recycling!) and deeply committed to ending bigotry.  You’d think all this would have made the U.S. the best governed nation in history. Instead, inequality rose. Faith in institutions plummeted. Social trust declined. The federal government became dysfunctional and society bitterly divided.

So then he has to explain why this all went in the opposite direction...

  1. Exaggerated faith in intelligence.
  2. Misplaced faith in autonomy.
  3. Misplaced notion of the self.
  4. Inability to think institutionally. 
  5. Misplaced idolization of diversity.

So what is the end state of this.  Well, quite simply; a group of looters take over.  It ends like an overly verbose Ayn Rand novel, except that we never get to meet John Galt.  The looters pillaging Italy like a Carthaginian Army are ensconced in the EU Headquarters in Belgium. 

They claim to just love Democracy.  What they don't like are fickle voters who actually vote their own interests.  The European University system gives them an elite that they are all supposed to shut their yaps and follow.  They manage these people out of the goodness of their ever-loving hearts. 

Or not.  They run a Kakistocracy.  The recent Coup d'Etat in Italy shows us how Democratic Democracy really is.  You can always vote.  They just don't allow you to make certain choices and will pull the plug on you if you do.

Italian President Sergio Mattarella on Sunday barred a coalition of euroskeptic parties from forming a government despite a clear mandate handed down by voters earlier this spring. The move amounted to nothing less than a bloodless coup d’état and laid bare the naked contempt for the vox populi among the Italian and European liberal establishment. Talk about liberalism without democracy.

This brings us back around to David Brooks' root causes of elitist tyranny and failure.  If we apply an Alt-Right Translator to David's 5 Root Causes we get 3 fundamental flaws of Post-Enlightenment Western Democracy.

Exaggerated faith in intelligence combined with the inability to think institutionally translates into a Rejection of Traditional Aristocratic Hierarchy.  Brooks specially describes what the dope-smoking, jean-wearing, egalitarian campus rabble replaced.  These White Male Protestants who hived at the WASP-Nest Institutions were a Brahman Class.  They were privileged to be sure, but in return for that privilege they acted out of patriotism and noblesse oblige.

Misplaced faith in autonomy and a misplaced notion of the self map to a combination of toxic individualism merged with crowdism.  The individualism comes from the death of aristocracy.  You can't tell *me* what to do in an egalitarian society.  *I* don't have to take it from you.  *I* have rights and *you* have obligations. 

Then we get the crowd of identical individuals.  It's amazing how all these liberated individualistic units looked identical.  The Star Wars Clone Armies had more unique personalities.  These kindred non-spirits flock together and form a hostile, demanding, destructive crowd.  This is crowdism and it destroys anything or anybody that stands out above the norm. 

The misplaced idolization of diversity doesn't even need translation.  Now Brooks would never except the simple conclusion that diversity plus proximity equals conflict, but he does understand that we all need to stay the people God made us.  We need our society to work the way we built it. That cannot continue when we deliberately replace the population stock. 

So David tells us to look in the mirror honestly.  To accept our virtues as well.  Diversity Fetishism is dishonest self-hatred.  Here David Brooks is magnificently right.  God made me White and LeBron James Black for his own divine reasons.  Neither one of us has anything to feel guilty over on those grounds.  Ignore the Left.  It is #OKTOBeWhite.

It's also OK for average, working Italians to choose not to work for some anonymous German banking conglomerate.  They may like being Italian.  They might just get up in the morning, look in the mirror while shaving or brushing their teeth and feel pretty satisfied with what they see before them.  And what in the heck is a European anyway?  It has been meaningless ever since their failing, university-educated elite destroyed the morally binding concept of Christendom. 

Now they feel like they have to destroy what it is to be an Italian.  How long before the managerial state destroys what it is to be a human being?  It's a valid question now that the mask just got ripped off of the Italian "Democracy."  We now know it is nothing but a lie. 

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