Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Magic Kingdom of Kieth Olbermann

Disney has officially decided that Rosanne Barr is truly The Wicked Witch of The West.  She made a racist tweet, which in turn tanked the DJIA; and also set off a massive CME which ended civilization as we know it.  Too damn bad I'm only joking about the Coronal Mass Ejaculation.  You see, comparing Valarie Jarrett to a character from a Planet of The Apes Movie is an act of unconscionable cruelty to the poor, defensive primates. 

Disney CEO, Bob Iger wasted no time in getting rid of any TV program featuring such an awful person.  He can now give the face time to the warm, outgoing and reasonable Kieth Olbermann instead. 

And how did officially official Conservatism Inc react?  It must be everything the #SJWs could ever have wanted.  It's a conquest worthy of Conquest's 2nd Law.  The official NRO editorial policy can now be best summed up by the following Kieth Olbermann Tweet. 

That's not possible, they cuck quite cuckingly.  National Review Online is standing athwart the steamroller of history yelling something or other about not ending up on the menu over at the Roadkill Cafe along with Awesome Possum and Flat Cat.  No, actually they've completely submitted to the will of SJW Sharia.  At least if Jim Geraghty is to be believed.

But maybe, just maybe, Geraghty is going rogue on this one.  Maybe he stepped out of line.  Nope.  He didn't.  He's following Lemming Extrodinaire David French straight over The Cuck Cliff.  Here's what David Surrender Chimp had to say on Twitter.   This after he went full Cuckasaurus Rex defending Randa Jarrar.

Official Conservatism is now in a state of utter dhimmitude to the liberal corporate aristocracy.  They are the Democrat Party's B-Side.  They keep shagging kicks and hitting the scrum sled hoping they can get a few minutes on the pitch the next time Senator Menedez pulls a groin muscle while visiting The Dominican Republic.  David French, Jonah Goldbrick and all the rest of our Nobel Conservative Lions are all pizza-face poseurs all wondering why the cool kids won't pencil them in on the team sheet.  But don't worry (((Jonah))).  Here's an appropriate pop culture reference.  We'll be laughing atwith you.

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