Monday, June 25, 2018

Is Maxine Waters The Most Pro-Jim Crow Democrat Since Theodore Bilbo?

Maxine Waters has been reading her Bible again.  Slowly perhaps, and with her lips moving as she sounds out the antique, polysyllabic words.  But she gets to the point.  And then seems to relentlessly cherry-pick.

“And guess what,” she predicted, “we’re going to win this battle because while you try and quote the Bible, Jeff Sessions and others, you really don’t know the Bible.  “God is on OUR side!” she declared, as the crowd went wild. “On the side of the children. On the side of what’s right. On the side of what’s honorable.”  “And so, let’s stay the course. Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she yelled. 

I'm not sure what Maxine was drinking exactly, but it really isn't the waters.  She has just openly demanded violence in the streets.  It's a good thing for her Amerika is too cucked to legitimately enforce the law against corrupt black public officials.  I think part of what she is drunk on is totally unearned regard she receives from our media.

Now we should carefully and patiently explain to Maxine, in small enough words for even her limited intellect to effectively parse and compile; that she was one of the first effectively pro-Jim Crow Democrat in Congress since Theodore Bilbo and Al Gore, Sr. left the US Senate. 

Because de facto Jim Crow Laws are exactly what was enforced against Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  The Ren Hen Incident was like the ideological mirror of the old, segregated Greensboro, NC lunchrooms.  The restaurant's owner even seems to ape old Senator Bilbo's rhetoric.

“I would have done the same thing again,” Ms. Wilkinson told the Washington Post. “We just felt there are moments in time when people need to live their convictions. This appeared to be one.”  Ms. Wilkinson cited the press secretary’s work for the “inhumane and unethical” Trump administration.  “I’m not a huge fan of confrontation,” Ms. Wilkinson said. “I have a business, and I want the business to thrive. This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals.”

So is Civil War II Next?  Are we to be divided along the strange, irregular borders of who votes for what party?  I don't know, but it might be fun to find out.  Maybe there are enough other people who are sick and fvcking tired of abjectly insane leftists like Maxine Waters claiming that *we* are actually stupid and backwards.  Perhaps we can start by filling the parking lot of The Red Hen with 500 white guys in MAGA Hats that line up at the doors of the restaurant and politely but firmly ask the cute and dedicated waitresses if they can order the Anti-Conservative Bigotry Platter that their restaurant is now World-Famous for.

What would the Left actually do if we challanged their de facto attempt to reinstall Jim Crow Laws?  What if we started our own version of the Civil Rights Freedom Riders?  Would Ma-Duce go up on the roof?  Would the Reverand Jesse Jackson or The Reverend Al Sharpton start demanding that this rabble get forcibly cleared off the streets with dogs and fire hoses? 

The Left likes to remind us that 50 years ago they really, really were the good guys.  But now they want those they deem inferior to stay out of their accommodations.  Are lefties now offended if I drink from the same water fountain or drive a pile into the same can? How much longer before the MAGA Hat becomes the new Juden Star.  That question could be a good proxy to how much longer before we can stop pretending not to want to kill these Leftist Fvcks.  Just keep preaching the Jim Crow, Maxine.  The Romans had term for that sort of crap - Causus Bellae.

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