Friday, June 1, 2018

Dan Helmer Has A Point

Amerika is under mortal threat.  Our way of life is endangered by a man who does not share the values of our betters.  It's bad out there and it's only gonna get worse.  Amerika is on the verge of Civil War.  This is because The Amerikan Left cannot have a disagreement.  Those who disagree are not misguided.  They are heretics. 

Leftists don’t merely disagree with you. They don’t merely feel you are misguided. They don’t think you are merely wrong. They hate you. They want you enslaved and obedient, if not dead. Once you get that, everything that is happening now will make sense. And you will understand what you need to be ready to do.  You are normal, and therefore a heretic. You refuse to bow to their idols, to subscribe to their twisted catechisms, to praise their false gods. This is unforgivable. You must burn.
Why the fear of a Trump Tower Planet?  Obviously, because he's a Nazi and every woman in his family is a feckless C You Next Tuesday.  Not only that, but when W was President back on 9-11*, the most vital threat to Amerika lived in a cave.  Now....

And why is Trump so frightening?  Because he has begun unwinding the racket.  Bum-On-Plush and Human Rum-Blossom Jon Boehner explained how President Trump has been swinging a wrecking ball into GOPe.  His ability to trash the 21st Century GOP order has paradoxically made his a threat to Progressivism.

There is no Republican Party. There’s a Trump party. The Republican Party is kinda taking a nap somewhere,” Boehner said.  In the interview, Boehner added that Trump was clearly the “most unusual” president the country has ever had.
True Progressives may claim the GOP ideology is Naziism and giggle into their Butt-Pirate Lattes when Google announces this as a totally scientific and unbiased search result.  However, they like having the Eric Greitens GOP, and the Cucksurgent GOP to kick around.  When you look at the non-Trump GOP, 1/2 of them are a racket and the other 1/2 are jealous Democrat wannabees.  The Democrats can easily steer them away from ever forming an effective opposition.  The racketeer GOP gets tempted to steal something or tap a piece of strange while the wifey is off at the grocery store.  The Cuckwad, I Wish *I* was Considered Cool by CNN GOP is then sicced on the sociopathic wing.  Nobody on either side of this Nazi "opposition" party says "boo" while John Podesta hangs out with the PedoDems.

Trump actually fights back.  When Disney CEO Bob Iger deliberately cross-ventilates any celebrity that says nice things about Trump, PDT is singing "M-I-C-K-E-Y sex-ual per-verts!"  This makes people stop listening to the brain-deadening drone of Cathedral propaganda.  People start pointing out the obvious.  People pointing out the obvious are then detested by both the racketeer and cucksurgent GOP.  These populist rubes totally interfere with why these GOP officials got into politics.

Sane Americans are upset about the Barr incident not because they think she should go unpunished for her tweet, but because the leftist establishment's indignation is so highly selective.  Leftists can forgive being in the KKK, sexually harassing, and even raping women, and saying that "mild" pedophilia is okay, but it can't forgive one late-night tweet.
So Dan Helmer has a point.  You can't have an Italy, an Ireland, A Great Britain, or an America that isn't Amerika.  It threatens the order and the cattle just don't obediently walk into the funnel and reach the abattoir.  People have seen an alternative and like it.  For all the crap we hear about


lower-income blacks are apparently the hardest hit by the vile and unamerikan employment bomb.

All of this doesn't completely drain the swamp or reclaim our nation from the curse of Post-Christian Modernity.  But it does show us how evil and vile and disgusting our current Kakistocracy of university "educated" elites truly has become.  That is something these people can't tolerate.  They are tomato cans.  They can't do an MMA fight against somebody with some actual Kung-Fu.

So they plot their Mueller Coup, intimidate and harass the president's supporters and hope they can scare all non-Progressives back into dhimmitude under the Cucksurgent and Socipathic wings of the "opposition" GOP. When you can't win on decency or truth your power comes from the same wellspring as Chairman Mao's.  Then you get the possibility of civil war.

*-Joy Reid of MSNBC will tell you all about The 9/11 (((Jewish Day Off)))...

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