Friday, June 15, 2018

Who Needs Bias When You Can Just Go With Hatred Instead?

It takes a certain bureaucratic mentality to write 500 pages, say absolutely nothing ,and then not descend into madness like the poor victim protagonist in a Lovecraft story.  It requires someone who could be The Ruler of The Queen's Navy from a Gilbert and Sullivan satire.  The staff lackey who wrote the IG Report on James Comey's Political Engineering Investigation into Female Caligula's Toilet Internet Server can really stuff a shirt, in a lumpy mediocre fashion; that just beams 100% Toxic Masculinity-Free Managerial Pseudo-Erudite Bullsp!t.

The IG report tells us the FBI has no bias.  It doesn't need no stinkin' bias.  It runs on Proggy antinomian hatred.  Here are some examples of how our fearless protectors view the "Murikan Sheeples".

"Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS." - @HarvardOnTwitter (Nope, just kidding.  It was an FBI Agent).
 “Yeah, it is pretty cool. [Clinton] just has to win now. I’m not going to lie, I got a flash of nervousness yesterday about trump. The sandernistas have the potential to make a very big mistake here....” - @Juliet Page
“I’m not worried about them. I’m worried about the anarchist Assanges who will take fed information and disclose it to disrupt. We’ve gotta get the memo and brief and case filing done.” - @Romeo Strzok

And then Romeo took to Twitter to share this classic of the genre.

"Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support...." 

So maybe the Bolivian Marching Powder hasn't burned out all of his cilia.  This stuff would be funny if it were intentional comedy.  It isn't.  This is who these guys are when they drop a couple of shooters and get wide.  And then, once they've had those drinks; they feel something else.  The buzz gets less fuzzy and they begin to feel fear.

Once you mock something and fail you grow afraid.  I'm sure that Trump support didn't smell like incense to Peter Strzok.  The totally unbiased Mme. Page and Strzok worried what the Sandernistas would do.  Then it was Anarchist Assange.  But in reality, it was fear of disruption.

"Donald Trump is a disruptor. He is disrupting the fat, arrogant, and corrupt elite and the web of self-dealing it has spun over the last seven decades. Is Trump putting at risk everything that's been built in the last 70 years? I sure hope so. Because the system that was built over the last 70 years is no longer working for all of us. It's working really well for a few of us, but that's just not enough anymore."   

And now the fading elitists get hysterical.  Watching Jane Fonda channel Cersei Lannister at an awards ceremony is educational.  The woman who rooted for the North Vietnamese to do better at shooting down our aircraft is now concerned for Amerika.  Senility must be frikking Hell.

“This is an existential crisis that we’re in,” the 80-year-old actress told a crowd of Hollywood elites at the Environmental Media Association’s first Honors Benefit Gala where Fonda was presented with the Female EMA Lifetime Achievement Award, according to The Hollywood Reporter.  “We have to do everything we can to take back the house in November. If anything can save us, it’s gonna be taking back our government,” she said.  Fonda, who infamously insulted U.S. soldiers in Vietnam as “war criminals,” is a vocal critic of Trump’s, taking part in the nationwide anti-Trump Women’s March and last year referring to the president as the “predator-in-chief.”

When your fears are realized, and you cannot just make the boogeyman go away; you hate.  You hate it when reality lights your myths on fire and smokes them like a Garcia y Vega. You hate.  When a plurality of the voters selects a leader your college Sociology Professor describes as the root of all honkey evil, you hate with a bit between your teeth.  Bias is a pathetic euphemism.

Democracy's failures are in full bloom in our current civil service.  We commoditized our politicians and then fetishized those commodities.  They became Jungian Archetypes.  Scummy politicians were pointlessly elevated to the status of tragic heroes out of Bullfinch's Mythology.  This became most evident when Barack Obama signed over the Presidency to Donald Trump.

Barack Obama's friends and enemies alike should have just wished the guy a happy retirement and hoped he enjoyed the new golf clubs and his swaggy golden watch.  He just should have become some guy again.  Nobody should have been decrying the beloved country.  Nobody should have had any nasty fantasies about how that one last helicopter ride would end. 

To those who no longer just preferred Barack Obama but who worshiped him as a form of idolatry, Donald Trump is the Devil.  Neither you, nor the FBI are biased against the Devil.  You hate the malignant spirit representing all that is evil in the universe.  That is what drives the progressive.  That is what they think of you if oppose them.  Even if you are a pretty tame CivNat like the Donald. 

Bias is never what gets your witch burning off to a rip--roaring start.  The jet fuel there is fear and hatred.  So no, the FBI isn't biased against section of the country or the politicians they elect.  They hate, fear and seek to stomp those people into the ground.  They'd like to serve and protect like Hell on that entire Basket of Deplorables. 

Bias is the least of what drives the despicable behavior of the current Amerikan civil service.  These people are if full-on fear mode.  Perhaps this is because they really should be.  Too bad that didn't quite make it into the overrated IG report. 

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