Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Modern Morays Reward Parasitism

David Carroll is Jody.  Joe D. Guy.  The Back-up.  The fastballer from the bull-pen.  He'll pinch-hit it and quit it.  He's figured out it's a much better deal than being responsible.  You do what gets you paid.  You do what gets you laid.  Don't be no sucking sucker.  (I hope) He's really just kidding.

But in so doing, he makes a sad and poigniant point.  People are rewarded for rent-seeking and parasitism.  People are saddled with obligation and punished when the try to display any sort of healthy time preference.  It's like a stock market where the yield pigs always win.  Nobody plans for the future.  There's no point.

Now having The Tragedy of The Commons include the vaginas of a society's women is a grave problem.  You get the seeming paradox of many more sexual couplings, but steadily falling birth rates and non-existent family formation.  The sexual revolution was ultimately no better than a horny teenaged boy's fap-fest.  It was worse.  It ruined a lot more than just a mattress and a few overpriced bedsheets.  If David Carroll totally meant that video, it just means he is Homo Economicus responding to the incentives put forth by the modern dating market.  The Back Door Man enjoys the wifey.  He ain't paying no mortgage.

But shouldn't Mr. Carroll feel ashamed?  Shouldn't social prestige make him set the Knigtly example? Pfft!  He'd rather get his lance waxed.  And to understand why, let's conduct a little thought experiment here.  I lay before your very eyes three prospective column titles that just might wind up in the Washington Post.  You pick the one they actually ran.

A) When to Beat The B!tch and When to Make Her Compost - The OJ Way to Familial Discipline.

B) SpongeBob Must Die And LGBTQ Along With Him

C) Why Can't We Hate Men?

If you've ever wasted a morning commute listening to John Boy and Billy, you know that the correct choice is to always take C.  It is socially acceptable to tell David Carroll he's good for nothing for his gender.  Calling him a bastard-making sh!tskin will cost you your job, your friends and your position in Modern Amerikan Society.  Telling him he's got a demon in his cock and is therefore morally reprehensible will make you endure nothing worse than having Your's Truly call you a Soy Latte Cuckwad.

Men are hated and blamed for everything in society.  Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton's depredations make all men everywhere !OBVIOUSLY! guilty.  Particularly if they wield The Dreaded Pale Phallus of Eurosexual Doom.  (Regardless of whether you find it hard or hard to find.  Oh well, whatever.  Nevermind).  Here's how frikken bad a guy I am just for falling out of bed this morning and going for my jog.

So, in this moment, here in the land of legislatively legitimated toxic masculinity, is it really so illogical to hate men? For all the power of #MeToo and #TimesUp and the women’s marches, only a relatively few men have been called to task, and I’ve yet to see a mass wave of prosecutions or even serious recognition of wrongdoing.
Let's say we take this Womynz Studies Prof at horsey-faced value.  Let's say Female Caligula gets elected in 2020 and proceeds to pitch an Asshole Auschwitz. After Dow Chemical makes a fortune selling Zyklon-B as the cure to toxic masculinity, do we really believe the two or three guys who actually look too much like Pajama Boy to ever threaten any woman with their masculine bearing will be servicing the 72 virgins who can't get a date anymore now that all the Work-A-Day Joes have been happy-gassed out of existence?  Somehow I'm cynically doubting it.  

What do?  If you are savvy and have more street smarts than pride, you eschew the dubious, outmoded and self-annihilating codes of honor.  As Jim Morrison put it.  "You can have your steak and eat your pork and beans.  I'll eat more chicken any man has seen."

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