Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Basket of GOP Deplorables

They are garbage.  They do nothing for Amerika.  They are whiners.  They are crybabies.  They are reprobates.  I would suggest sodomizing the weak here, but this particular crew of butt-pirates sashaying across the poop deck would probably like it. 

So who are these mincing little cork suckers?  They are the wash-ups of the #NeverTrump GOP.  Hillary "Female Caligula" Clinton has a basket these whingers can go jump in.

First up, we get the loser's loser, Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney on Monday came out against President Trump’s policy of separating migrant families at the southern border, saying that the U.S. needs a “more compassionate answer” to illegal crossings.  The former Massachusetts governor and current Utah GOP Senate candidate retweeted former first lady Laura Bush, who wrote an op-ed criticizing the policy as “cruel” and “immoral.”
Jeb Bush finally stored up enough energy to attempt an ankle-tackle his former primary opponent a good two years after President Trump already spiked the football and went partying with all the hot cheerleaders.

“Children shouldn’t be used as a negotiating tool. @realDonaldTrump should end this heartless policy and Congress should get an immigration deal done that provides for asylum reform, border security and a path to citizenship for Dreamers,” Bush tweeted.”
This is Paul Ryan.  He is the pathetic excuse that the GOP gave Amerika as a Speaker of The House.  He totally makes me wish he'd shut his pie-hole below. 

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said Thursday he disagrees with the Trump administration policy of separating immigrant children from their parents at the border.  "We don't want kids to be separated from their parents. We believe because of the court ruling, this will require legislative change," Ryan said.
John Kasich opened his garbage neck and emitted the stench you read below.

He said everyone from Laura Bush to Bernie Sanders oppose the Trump administration’s policy to separate children and parents when they are caught crossing the border illegally.  “This is not an American value to be breaking up families. I hope that they’re going to pass something through the Congress but whenever the Congress thinks about doing something they need to check with their principal. ‘Can I go get a glass of water?’” Kasich said at a press conference Monday. “Because if the president says no, I can’t have one. What is happening down there?”
Speaking of Masters of The Crash and Burn, Senator John McCain is here to lecture us on decency that he has never personally possessed.

"The administration’s current family separation policy is an affront to the decency of the American people, and contrary to principles and values upon which our nation was founded,” McCain, R-Ariz., said in a blistering tweet Monday evening. “The administration has the power to rescind this policy. It should do so now.”
When you've lost Max Boot, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Grahamaphrodite, don't work up too nasty a sweat looking for the stupid blighters.  They are all cheese-dogs.  They make Inside The Beltway, The Beltway.  They are complicit in making America, Amerika. 

The GOP has emerged as a histrionic, ADD-suffering, quasi-literate, mouth-breathing opposition that will utterly fail to change President Trump's mind on anything.  They will be made to behold the awesome kung-fu of fvck-you when he totally pimp-slaps them aside on behalf of the American People. 

If only the GOP could emerge as a loyal and patriotic opposition.  If only the GOP could commit to the !TRUTH!  But they can't.  They are attempting to imitate the Democrats without the requisite LSD hits.  They are MC Jonah (((Goldberg))) with two turntables and microphone. 

In the end, the #NeverTrump GOP truly is a Basket of Deplorables.  It has to die before the buzzards and fecal bacteria can properly feed.

There will be a Trump Party.  There will be a Marxist Party and there will be a Beltway Party.  The Beltway Party will skim the most rational grifters off the Dems, and will subsume the Lindsey Grahamaphrodite GOP that can't get over the pussy hurt of a Trump Presidency bestriding the world like a mighty Colossus. 

While Trump's informal motto is "We're America, Bitch!"  Their Party motto will be "We're Inside The Beltway."  On a map, you can imagine the Capital Beltway looking just a bit like a basket.  One filled to the brim with Deplorables seasoned with Bolivian Marching Powder. 

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